The Practice of Community

photo: harvest breeding via photopin cc In Shambhala, we have recently begun to describe membership as the “practice of community.” As Director of the Berkeley Shambhala Center, I’ve been giving this phrase a lot of thought. At first it sounds quite pleasant; as though, “yes, please, sign me up for that.” But then questions arise. … Continue 

Reflections on Magyal Pomra Encampment

By Matthew Parkinson After experiencing the earthy and raw encampment grounds at Shambhala Mountain Center, the transition back to modern life is abrupt, to say the least. Last month, seven bay area sangha members gathered with over 100 members of the Dorje Kasung for the annual Magyal Pomra Encampment, a gritty and bare-bones retreat that … Continue 

Protected: Protector Principle: Averting the Negativity of the Old Year

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